Christmas is just around the corner and a new year is almost upon us. Before the year ends, please help us honor the 100th ANNIVERSARY of the birth of DJAN’s co-founder HARVEY LORD by supporting the participation of young adults and seminiarians - especially from communities of color - in faith-based, justice-focused events, gatherings, internships, and other activities.

You can HELP US do this! You can us help make happen what we know you already care about and want to see happen. You can put your money where your heart is (Matthew 6:21), and you can do it TODAY.

With your help, we're BUILDING OUR FUTURE TOGETHER.  Please JOIN US in this crucial mission. Please GIVE TODAY!


Honoring Harvey Lord

Supporting Young Adults and Seminarians


DJAN’s year of 2024 was marked by a special focus on the centennial birthday of Charles Harvey Lord (1924 - 2015) of Little Rock, Arkansas, who, along with James Demus, III, was one of the main founders of DJAN. 

We honor the progressive and prophetic legacy he inspired in those of us who are today the activists, supporters, and volunteers of this important justice action network. Harvey and his spouse May served as the volunteer co-coordinators of DJAN when it was founded three decades ago as a network for Disciples who were dedicated to maintaining a strong prophetic presence and an uncompromising voice for justice within our denomination and beyond. We recognize Harvey’s legacy of mentorship, justice, and inclusivity, particularly his work to involve seminarians and young adults in justice initiatives.

In honor of the 1ooth anniversary of the birth of Harvey Lord, please help us continue his vision by providing financial support for young adults and seminarians, ESPECIALLY from communities of color, to participate in faith-based, justice-focused events, gatherings, internships, and other activities.

Below, you can explore different reflections and memories of Harvey from some of those who knew him best. By showcasing stories about Harvey’s vision, values, and activism - as well as his effective mentorship of others - we hope to lift up his strong and prophetic passion for justice, celebrate his love and concern for those he pastored and mentored, and express our gratitude for his absolutely key role in the formation of DJAN.

Another way we seek to honor Harvey is by asking everyone who wants to help us celebrate the life and activism of this great man, to prayerfully consider giving to the Harvey Lord Fund this Giving Tuesday in honor of the centennial of Harvey Lord’s birth.  Your gift will help us carry forward Harvey’s legacy - his prophetic vision and practical approach to organizing - into the future under the leadership of new generations of activists. Every amount matters because every amount helps us carry on the ministry inspired by the vision and values that informed Harvey’s activism - a vision we know you share, and values in which we all very strongly believe.

Thank you for joining us in this celebration and for helping DJAN continue to do what Harvey co-founded and then co-led it to do: educate, empower, and engage diverse people in the work of actively promoting a strong and prophetic passion for justice in our church, in our communities, and in our world; and working alongside other people of faith, conscience, and good will to build the Beloved Community envisioned by Dr. King - one of love, justice, caring, nonviolence, diversity, inclusion, and equity (and today we would add the commitment to environmental sustainability) - a community, society, and world based on liberation and justice for ALL.

Your gift celebrates Harvey Lord’s 100th birthday and invests in the next generation of justice leaders.



As Harvey would often say when ending fundraising letters, “By faith, we thank you in advance for your faithful giving; and with much gratitude, we truly value your commitment and support.”